
在皇冠体育官网,59岁.7%的本科生 the first in their families to receive a 4-year college degree. 第一代计划 exists to encourage and empower the Roadrunner community to embrace and celebrate these students.  

第一代计划 is part of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 从教室到就业中心 (C2Hub) which serves as a resource for students as they navigate campus, connect with career-readiness initiatives and industry partners, 并创造自己的成功之路.  

 The mission of 第一代计划 is to increase retention and graduation rates for 第一代 students through intentional community building, 开发有意义的编程, advocacy in support of more inclusive policies and practices, 庆祝你的成功.




想要联系? Contact us via e-mail and we will help connect you to the resources and programs that help you find success at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.



关注皇冠官网网站 on Instagram for additional ways to connect with staff and 教师 partners, 参加即将到来的活动和项目, or to build community with fellow 第一代 students and alumni.



第一代计划 partners with colleagues and offices from across campus and in the 丹佛 community to offer events and programs that support the engagement of First-Generation students.



In 2019, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校加入ed 349所高等教育机构的一部分 NASPA的 第一学者网络推进工作 第一代 皇冠体育官网. The First Scholars Network offers a national model for scaling holistic 第一代 皇冠体育官网 by engaging and empowering institutions of higher education to radically transform the 第一代 学生的经验, 促进学术和课外成果, 建立更具包容性的制度结构. 此外,在2023年, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 joined 22 institutions honored for their commitment to advancing the outcomes of first-gen students on NASPA的 首届学者名单 



Cristóbal(克里斯)加西亚加入C2Hub作为 第一代计划副主任. 克里斯将 co-领导第一代 Steering C委员会, 和支持 existing strategies outlined to help 第一代 students find success at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.


  • Improvement of persistence and graduation rates specifically for 第一代 students. 
  • 学术认同的发展, 学生的自我概念, and leadership identity for 第一代 students. 
  • Provide education and training on 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s definition of 第一代 and the 第一代 student college experience. 
  • Offer thought leadership and assist the university in accomplishing measures of success and serve to strategically further the success of 第一代 students on our campus.  


As 密歇根州立大学丹佛 works to build an institutional landscape that more holistically supports 第一代学生群体, a steering committee comprised of cross-campus partners was established to support 第一代 皇冠体育官网 at the institution. 指导委员会将制定远景规划, 策略, and scale co-curricular programming and initiatives that will serve 第一代 students and improve student retention at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.  

The Steering Committee’s is tasked with setting the baseline for the campus work that is foundational level-setting through mapping and strategic document audit processes and through understanding the population being served at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. 此外, the Steering Committee will develop and recommend the overarching goal which will guide all future work at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. We want to recognize the steering committee members for their work, 奉献, 和支持 of 第一代 students as they collectively work with the institution to employ strategies that foster an environment of success for 第一代 students at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. 


Members of the 第一代计划指导委员会 serve as advocates in our effort toward better serving our 第一代 students, highlight the importance of cross-campus involvement, 包括密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生, 教师, 和工作人员. 

  • 布里奇特·阿伦德博士.D. | Associate Director of Teaching and Learning, Center for Teaching, Learning and Design 
  • 布里奇特·科布尔博士.D. | C2Hub职业发展总监 
  • Nhi Dang |股权副总监 & 种族正义计划,CMEI 
  • 艾莉森·多蒂,现任学生,密歇根州立大学丹佛分校 
  • Sarah Goldenberg | 研究生 School Pathway Coordinator, 教师参与 & 从实践经验中学习 
  • Nahum Kisner | Assistant Vice President of Student Success, C2Hub 
  • Alicia Montoya | COSI Back to Work/Displaced Worker Coordinator, Student 支持 & 保持团队 
  • Imani Morning | Director for Engagement, 文化 and Organizational Development, Human Resources 
  • Alyssa Nilemo | Deputy Chief of Activation, Auraria Higher Education Center 
  • 克里斯汀·谢赫博士.D. |专家,学生学术服务 
  • Megan Scherzberg博士.D. | Executive Director, Orientation, Transfer and Reengagement  
  • 洛蕾塔·沃尔|院长助理 & 三重奏学生支持服务中心主任
  • Codi Whittington | Assistant Director of Operations and 事件, 教师参与 & 从实践经验中学习 
Photo of 第一代 student holding a soccer ball close and looking directly at the camera.

What it means to be a 第一代 college student

With the percentage of this population rising at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, 大学努力满足他们的独特需求.

迪尤努斯墙的胜算很低, as a 第一代 student and Black woman who graduated in December 2022 with a Master of Business Administration degree from Metropolitan State University of 丹佛. 作为一名黑人女性, Walls had only a 34% chance of earning a degree within six years of entering college, but she created her own statistic: within six years, Walls will have completed her master’s and two bachelor’s degrees. 这一切都是在参加校足球队的时候发生的!  

Read more about her story and other 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students and alumni in the linked story from December 2022.  


第一代计划 is a program within the 从教室到就业中心.

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