The new Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 undergraduate and graduate catalogs for the 2022-23 academic year are now available to view online. 

New programs that will begin this fall include: 

  • Business Administration major, B.S.  
  • Human Resource Management major, B.S. 
  • Nutrition Studies major, B.S.  
  • Applied Meteorology Concentration and Professional Meteorology Concentration (Meteorology major, B.S.) 
  • 银行小 
  • Climate Change minor 
  • Instructional Design and Technology minor 
  • Business Pathways certificate 

Discontinued programs that end as of fall include: 

The following concentrations in the Advanced Manufacturing Sciences major, B.S. 

  • 土木工程 
  • Computer Information Systems 
  • 计算机科学 
  • Electrical Engineering

The following concentrations in the Special Education major, B.A. 

  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education  
  • Early Childhood Education 
  • Elementary Education 
  • Secondary Education 

This catalog also contains major changes to program listings and General Studies policies: 

  • 项目 can no longer prescribe General Studies.  
    • But they may still require General Studies courses for the major, so advising is key. 
  • Students can count General Studies in their major prefix. 
  • Students can double-/triple-dip General Studies courses across General Studies, 专业, minors and certificates. 
  • Students need 33 credits outside of their most recurrent major prefix to graduate. 
  • 请查看 General Studies website for more information.  

Finally, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 has debuted the new Continuing Education and Non-credit Offerings Bulletin. 

To see a full listing of curriculum changes and other information regarding the curriculum process, 请查看 Curriculum SharePoint. The catalog-change report will be available in mid-April.  

To receive all updates on curriculum, sign up for the curriculum distribution list. 

For more information, please contact Erica Buckland Anderson, director of Curriculum and Catalog.