

为了更好地准备提交研究生课程申请, take a look at the specific admission requirements and deadlines for your program. Each link below leads to unique information for that program to help you better underst和 expectations before you begin the application. 使用上面的链接来定位您的程序区域.


You are a graduate student if you have completed or will complete a four-year bachelor’s degree program or its equivalent at a college or university prior to attending 密歇根州立大学丹佛. International students must complete the same admission requirements as domestic students in addition to the International Student requirements. At this time we only issue I-20s for the following graduate programs; Master of Business Administration, 专业会计硕士, 教育学硕士, 网络安全理学硕士, 以及社会工作硕士学位. International students must be full-time students, taking a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester. International students pay the same tuition and fee rates as Nonresidents.

看这里 有关大学官方文件要求的概述.


1. 签证国际学生需要从皇冠官网网站的学校获得I-20表格 注册处 to apply for the F-1 visa to enter the United States and study within our approved programs.

  • New international students (still in their home country) will need about 90-days after they have the I-20 to apply for the visa, 去参加面试, obtain the visa and enter the country in enough time to complete their next steps before the program begin date. This timeline can vary by country due to suspended visa services during Covid-19.
  • 转学国际学生(在美国.S., attending another institution) will have already gone through the visa process. They will need approximately 4-weeks to transition from their current institution and work on their next steps before starting classes.
  • 留在自己的国家,从未寻求进入美国的学生.S. on an F-1 visa may attend any program regardless of their structure or status in SEVP. They are not considered international students 和refore do not need to follow any of the restrictions within this email.

时间轴 & 录取国际学生的限制

  • New international students cannot enter the country more than 30-days before the start of classes.
  • 一旦国际学生到达美国.S., they must attend an international Orientation and 1:1 check-in with the 注册处.
  • Students must pursue an authorized degree program by registering full-time within the Fall and Spring semesters (some exceptions – examples: last semester requires less than full time enrollment). 51%的学生必须在校就读. 由于COVID-19,目前有一些例外. 联系 (电子邮件保护) 如果你有具体的问题.
  • Students must contact a Designated School Official (DSO) within 10-days of any changes to their contact information (email, 物理地址, 电话). 目前有三个dso在 司法常务官办公室.
  • Students are not permitted to work off-campus unless otherwise approved via an employment authorization but may work on-campus up to 20 hours per week, 有书面批准的 司法常务官办公室. 学生可联络 (电子邮件保护) 获得批准.
  • If your program requires to engage in an internship, you will need authorization from the 从教室到就业中心 和 注册处.
  • Traveling beyond country borders will need prior authorization from a DSO.

2. 应用: Create an account and submit your online graduate admissions application. 50美元.申请时需交00英镑申请费.

3. 完成其他课程要求: It is important that you review the admissions requirements for your academic program.

4. 通过南汽服务机构提交正式成绩单: (Do NOT send us PDF copies) Applicants whose credentials include studies or coursework at a College or University outside the USA must have their transcripts evaluated and/or translated by a 南汽 在入学委员会审查之前成为成员. The provider will then send the official evaluation directly to us via email, 门户访问, 或者邮政邮件. 皇冠官网网站建议您选择一个可以 请将经核实的成绩单副本一并寄给皇冠官网网站 与评价报告,如 韦斯毅联汇业  or ECE.

    • 推荐的评价和翻译服务是 韦斯ECESpanTran
    • 要求对包括课程在内的每门课程进行评估, 累积平均分, 获得学分
    • 以数码方式递交作品为佳
    • 服务人员可以将评估的数字副本直接发送到 (电子邮件保护)
    • Servicers can send hard copies to the following address: Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, 教务处/研究生办公室, 第五街1201号, 校园包厢48, 丹佛, CO 80217

If the evaluation service does not send us your verified academic documents, the issuing institution must directly send us your official academic records.

5. 官方英语水平证明 -密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的代码是4505

*Proof of English Proficiency is not required for applicants who: Are lifetime residents of Australia, 伯利兹, 英国, 博茨瓦纳, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英联邦加勒比, 加纳, 英国, 印度, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 尼日利亚, 苏格兰, 新加坡, 南非, 和津巴布韦

6. 资金支持文件:

  • 完成 财政支持OGS的宣誓书 form
  • Current official bank statement: affidavit or letter from your financial sponsor/s. Financial documents must be dated within six months of the first day of class for the semester you are starting at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. 它们必须作为文件通过申请系统上传. The bank statement must be equal or greater to the following amounts based on your degree program:
    • $32,895教学文学硕士
    • 32,795美元工商管理硕士(MBA)
    • 专业会计硕士(MPAcc)
    • $34,230 临床行为健康理学硕士 Addictions 咨询
    • $38,670网络安全理学硕士
    • $34,470营养理学硕士
    • $43,305语言病理学理学硕士
    • $43,650社会工作硕士
  • 每个受抚养人需要额外支付12,000美元
  • If the bank statement is in a foreign currency the amount will be based upon the day the currency conversion is made by our office

7. 目前护照及签证如果在申请时可用. If not available, your visa and passport must be provided at the new student orientation. *当前I-20: (在美国积极学习的国际转校生.S. 唯一的) A SEVIS transfer form will be required by all transfer students after being accepted. 您当前学校的PDSO/DSO可以完成此请求. 在此之前,皇冠体育官网不能给你发新的I-20. 皇冠体育官网I-20转学表. 如果您需要更改状态,请联系 国际学生支持 at (电子邮件保护).

*International students must submit an official transcript to be admitted. 

下一个步骤: After all admissions requirements have been received by the academic program. The admissions committee will review your file and make an admissions decision. 如果作出接受决定, I-20将会被处理并送到皇冠官网网站记录在案的地址. 你会在邮件中收到一封信,说明你的录取状态. Mandatory international student orientation will be held the first week prior to the start of classes.


英语作为第二语言(ESL) -仅支持


